UDC fields Watshipi for Mmopane Lentsweletau constituency

Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) Parliamentary candidate in the Lentsweletau-Mmopane constituency Gilbert Watshipi is optimistic of a better future. Watshipi will be contesting against Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) representative Naniki Makwinja who beat the incumbent area MP Vincent Seretse in their party’s primary elections. He speaks to Tshepo Kehimile of The Midweek Sun. MS: Good Afternoon Comrade Watshipi. Kindly take us through your political background. GW:I have been involved in politics for a very long time, I was born into the family of Botswana National Front (BNF). I became active in politics in the year 2000. Fast forward to 2014, members of the BNF approached me just after the elections asking me to represent them at the 2019 General Elections. Back in 2015, I became BNF Treasurer for Lentsweletau-Mmopane and was involved in the Kweneng regional activities which include being a Treasurer for a fund raising team for the 50 years anniversary event which was a success. MS: Why did you decide to stand for Lentsweletau-Mmopane constituency? GW: As a person who always believed in liberating the oppressed, I felt it was time for me to play a role in regime change. The ruling party (BDP) has been in power for over 50 years and yet it has failed dismally to bring about desired change for the citizens. And I believe I have the charisma, knowledge and the energy to advocate for the people of this constituency as we route towards change. MS: What do you think the constituents greatly need from your representation? GW. To address issues that have not been addressed for many years, for instance, most MPs usually disappear immediately after the elections and forget about the constituency in this area, people who have businesses in Mmopane Block 1 tend to struggle when there are rains as the road is in a bad state. The lack of water and sewage systems in the area are some of the things that made me want to represent my people. My tours around the constituency have revealed problem areas that need to be addressed. Among them are: need for senior secondary school in the constituency; a need for adequate junior secondary schools; inadequate or lack of drugs in clinics. We also need a hospital and I will advocate for clean water suppy. Another thing that the constituents will need is proper consultation which has not been there. It is important to engage and consult with constituents on issues of their interests, and that is how I have been able to pick these areas of need. MS: What are the national priority issues you would want to take to parliament? GW: Some programmes are not done well, for example, schemes such as ISPAAD are not well administered and that is a worrying factor. The funds are not being used properly hence the need to be considered at Parliament. As for the constituency funds in the area, nothing can be written home as there has been high misuse of these particular funds. We have seen instances where an individual farmer could be helped to costs of P35 000 only for them to make only P10 000 from their produce. This proves that the way things are done is not sustainable. We believe as constituents that we could be grouped in tens (10) where we would have P350 000 to use. This way we would be able to run sustainable agricultural projects. There would be good profits and we would be able to create employment. Even the constituency fund is not well administered and our input or views are not taken into consideration. MS: What is your stance on corruption and institutions put in place to fight it? GW: Our mandate at the UDC is to advocate for the independence of corruption agencies. Parliament should be given the power to instruct for forensic audits and set terms of reference where they deem fit without fear or favour. It should not be in the discretion of the president. Furthermore, we have realised that the roots of corruption are ideals of the society. If economic life is based on ownership of wealth, status, worship of money as means of power, unhealthy competition just to mention a few, then corruption cannot be avoided. All parastatals need forensic audits and all big wigs who have dealings with government need to be investigated. We at the UDC also believe that legislators must divorce themselves from doing business with government. Ombudsman, DCEC and other justice institution must enjoy total independence and be able to take anyone to task regardless of their position. MS: How will you address the high unemployment rate? GW: We have so many idling resources that need to be put to use. We should create commercial agricultural projects. Additionally, we now have a mine in Medie village and it should be managed well so that the constituents benefit from it. MS: Education results have been declining in the country, how are you going to address the low pass rate in your area? GW: For our pass rate to improve, these particular issues need to be addressed: Poor working conditions and salaries for teachers as they are doing an essential job hence need to be rewarded accordingly. Students continue to travel long distances which affects their performance as they are forced to attend classes fatigued and stressed. This could be addressed by building enough schools to cater for vast catchment areas. We need to revisit the Kedikilwe Commission report and reduce the teacher-student ratio as large numbers per teacher make meaningful learning impossible. Infrastucture in schools must be made conducive for learning. As it is, we have dilapidated facilities and ablutions with no water in our schools. The environment must be attractive for learning. Enough classrooms must be built to avoid under the tree lessons where children are easily distracted.